Whew... at least I'll get this posted in the same month we had the meeting (that counts as "timely", right?). At our last meeting, we had a very interesting presentation on Mexican coins with a focus on how they've changed due to devaluations. And they were my favorite type of coins - both historically interesting and inexpensive. We also discussed the varying silver content of the Mexican silver peso coins, which really reinforced the point that you should know exactly what you're buying before plunking down your cash. Your local coin club is an excellent source of information (OK, OK, that's a bit of a self-serving plug right there).
Back in November we had a very well-researched introduction to US Bust Dollars. In fact, there was so much information that we needed a Part 2... so next month we will resolve all those unfinished story lines in the long-awaited sequal "Revenge of the US Bust Dollar". You'll have to bring your own popcorn... hope to see everybody at the Dover Modern Maturity Center at 7:30 on April 11th.