We held our August meeting on the 11th at 7:30 in the Modern Maturity Center. We had a very nearly coherent presentation on Conder Tokens.
Pop quiz! What's a Conder Token?
a. Late 18th century British tokens named after James Conder, who was the first to catalog them (and he even issued a few!).
b. Late 18th century British tokens named after James Token, who blah blah blah.
c. Trick question! They're actually CONDOR tokens, named after those really big birds.
d. Defying all laws of logic, I'm going with all of the above.
The correct answer, of course, is "e. Who writes this crap?"
We'll be trying again next month with a presentation from the wide, wide world of tokens. Show and tell will be from the ever-popular "whatever" category, so scrape the bottom of your collection and dazzle us all!